J. Craig & Barb Kirkpatrick
October 2, 2013
Dear Roland:
It was indeed a pleasure to again spend time with you this past June at the Negaunee Historical Museum. We are grateful you made time to meet us in spite of your son’s wedding taking place that weekend!! Thanks to your invaluable knowledge and assistance, and your gem of a museum with its extensive contents, we were able to make great strides in our family research. Please find enclosed a personal check in the amount of $5,000.00 payable to the Negaunee Historical Society. With the end goal of making both the Negaunee Cemetery records (burials, and headstones) and the Negaunee Iron Herald newspaper, searchable and available online, we request that our donation be used specifically for digitizing the aforementioned so that others doing family research can also benefit from this information. The wealth of resources you have collected and compiled, for locating ancestors who lived in and around Negaunee, and those who are buried in the Negaunee cemetery are priceless. We feel that our donation can best be used to make this information more accessible and readily available to others researching their past family history online, and in person. We look forward to seeing this project come to fruition. If there is anything we can do to assist with this endeavor, please contact us. Also, please keep us informed of your progress. Sincerely,
J. Craig Kirkpatrick
Barb Kirkpatrick
You may download and view the original letter here.